What we do

We make brand and experience architecture. Our strengths are holistic concepts, which is why our work covers a broad spectrum of many creative disciplines.
We are your partner for all brand and communication issues, and have special expertise in interior design, retail design and product development.

We design, innovate and bring it to life. At the end, however, we only do one thing: creating memorable experiences and emotions with a focus on performance.

blended consists of two project divisions:

blndd.Studio – creates identities for brands

blndd.Label – creates things with identities



The strategy is the basis and DNA structure of a brand. We are convinced that every brand needs an overall objective and a custom-made plan to establish itself and be viable. After all: brand communication without solid planning is more like a lottery than a solid investment.
A clear strategy ensures substantial understanding and stability. It is the foundation of a brand.

We listen to you.



Brand communication is the strategy which comes to life. It never operates in isolation, but follows the well-founded objectives and identity of a brand.
We build areas of interaction between information and intuition. These areas of contrasts enable people and brand to enter into a dialogue – and make people feel and act. This is how new experiences, thoughts, associations and insights are created: emotional, relevant and economical.

We take a holistic approach to communication. This means that communication is not only external, but also internal. And whether end consumers, our own employees or stakeholders – the connection between brand and people obliges us to conscientious and continuous care.

We implement for you and stay on track.


Spatial Design & Interior Design

We create memorable spatial concepts for brands and companies – and authentic experiences for people. Whether permanent, temporary, mobile, as a showroom, flasgship store, exhibition stand, office, shop, event or in the fields of wellness, gastronomy and retail: we create places that inspire and enable hospitable encounters.
We see our work as a kind of translation work: we transcribe the brand message or the history of a company into a three-dimensional language and thus make it experienceable for the visitor. Integrated methods and intuitive elements are used to communicate values and create attractive everyday getaways. The guest should feel at home. They should be presented with exactly what they are enthusiastic about.

We guide your project from the very first sketch through all work phases.



blndd.label offers a platform for conceptual discussions away from commercial projects. Independently or in collaborations we design objects and products that create impulses and commit to sustainability.

Our name blended is our credo: we bring different things together, mix and design new realities. Our concepts could also be described as an oxymora that has become an object, because they unite contradictory aspects: both questioning and answering, profane and refined, objective and subjective. The subjects can be experimental, poetic or intellectual – but the results always speak a subtle language, somewhere in the tension between tradition and progress.

We create new realities.

What we believe in

The human being is the central focus.
Even if he is an underdog. We meet people unprejudiced and respectful.
Our goal is to inspire people with our work and to be remembered for it.


Through communication opinions become insights.
Those who listen and let others finish their talk are understood. Those who understand each other recognize values and needs. Those who know values and needs can respond precisely and act efficiently.
For us, honest and constructive communication forms the basis for successful cooperation.

Good arguments count more than hierarchical positions.
On our way to unique solutions, we discuss with all participants at eye level.
Communication barriers based on partnership simplify the entry into an idea-friendly and solution-oriented work culture. They help to think outside the box and achieve amazing results.


Have the courage to be courageous.
Ordinary appearances generate average attention and lead to sobering brand resonance. In the uniformity of similarities, benchmarking and best practice, courage is the key to success. Courage creates new insights that customers do not expect – but recognize as a value.


The ability to learn is a balancing virtue.
Mistakes are allowed. They are natural parts of the process and can be used to achieve better results. It is important to recognize mistakes in time and to reorient energies so that they do not affect the final results.


With head, heart and hand.
We work intuitively and at the same time comprehensibly. And above all with our hands: Sketches, visual plans, mood boards and prototyping are our tools for visualizing projects, gradually concretizing them and testing their feasibility.

Latest Project


Alpinols offers the highest quality CBD products from organic Swiss cultivation. For its CBD oils, Alpinols uses only naturally…

Selfnation Pop Up Store

Perfectly fitting trousers, tailor-made, simply ordered online – that’s what Selfnation, a young start-up that produces sustainably and locally, offers.

Copyright 2018 Blended GmbH, All Right Reserved

  • Blended GmbH, Weissenbühlweg 8, 3007 Bern, Switzerland
  • +41 78 707 9317
  • info@blndd.com